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What Is a Trademark?

A trademark is a distinctive logo or brand name that distinguishes your company and its products from others. Trademarks can include words, phrases, designs, symbols, sounds and colors.You can register your mark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The process used to be paper-filled, but now you can file an application online.

What is a Design Patent?

Design patents are an important form of intellectual property that protects a product’s or invention’s visual qualities. They are often granted for a distinct configuration, ornamental surface ornamentation, or combination of both.A design patent gives an owner the right to exclude others from making a similar product. This can be used to prevent copycat products from entering the market and stealing your business.

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如果您想在网上保持私密性,VPN 是一个不错的选择。它隐藏您的 IP 地址并加密您的互联网流量,因此您不必担心黑客在公共 Wi-Fi 网络上监视您或广告商跟踪您的行踪。一个好的 VPN 服务会提供多个服务器,所以你可以轻松地改变你的位置。如果您想访问在您的国家或地区被阻止的内容,这将特别有用。




電子煙是加熱含有尼古丁、調味劑和其他化學物質的液體以產生蒸汽的裝置。然後液體被用戶或他們周圍的其他人吸入。電子煙可能非常危險,尤其是對年輕人而言。它可能導致 EVALI(電子煙或電子煙產品使用相關的肺損傷)。這可能是致命的。



